Administrative and Public Procurement
In this area of practice, we have a team of lawyers with vast experience and expertise on public or administrative law and public procurement. We are able to provide specialized advice in the area of general public law, as well as in specific areas such as urban planning, private and public construction works, environment, public domain, water resources, licensing of economic activities, among others.
Our team often provides support to the State, local authorities, public institutes and municipal companies, but also to private citizens on public procurement matters.
Beyond providing legal advice in the areas on public law and public procurement, our team is also able to represent clients in public tender procedures, administrative offences proceedings, compulsory purchases in the public interest and in the phases of pre-litigation and litigation by the administrative courts.
- Local Authorities
- Public procurement
- Urban planning and environment
- Administrative litigation
- Administrative offences
- Compulsory purchases in the public interest
- Licensing