Criminal and Administrative Offences
Our firm has a particularly strong reputation and tradition in the areas of criminal law and administrative offences, with special practice in economic and financial crime.
First of all, our team provides preventive advice to companies and their managers and directors, with the purpose of adapting internal practices, developing compliance programmes and thereby preventing the committing of acts with criminal or administrative consequences. Among others, we draft codes of conduct and regulations for anticorruption and money loundering prevention.
Whenever required, our lawyers ensure the representation of clients – as defendants or victims - in criminal and administrative offences proceedings, providing support and advice throughout their different stages.
The partner who coordinates this practice area is a professor with numerous published works about criminal and administrative offences law, and he is also a frequent speaker in conferences and training sessions for lawyers and judges.
- Main practice areas in economic and financial crime (money laundering, economic crimes, tax crimes and corruption)
- Preventive advice
- Representation in proceedings of criminal or administrative nature
- Strong practice in the administrative offences area (environment, traffic offences, among others)
- Advice in sanction procedures of disciplinary nature