
Individual and Family Wealth

Team focused on the counselling of family businesses and individuals with high value income or assets (HNWI).

To what regards family businesses, our team supports and represents clients in issues specifically arising from the family nature of their companies and businesses, such as succession planning and generation substitution in companies, investments or disinvestments in the family business, taxation in the restructuring of family businesses, among others.

In the support to individuals, we provide advice in matters of succession planning, drafting of wills, civil contracts (like donations), structuring of assets (financial, real estate assets and others) and incorporation of non-profit entities, such as foundations. In all legal advice we consider the tax angle and we consequently evaluate the impact of transactions and structures under income taxes, real estate taxes and stamp duty, as well as the implications under international taxation.

  • Tax consequences of family businesses restructuring

  • Succession planning

  • Substitution of generations in family businesses

  • Family agreements and protocols

  • Non-profit entities

  • Wills

  • Donations
Where We Are
Rua 5 de Outubro, 446-466
4100 173 Porto. Portugal
T. +351 226 076 020